The visit to the dentist can be a pleasant adventure for your child.
It is imperative to inform the child prior and talk about the upcoming visit in a positive, matter-of-fact manner. To make the dental visit an enjoyable outing, don't let the child know of your own anxieties or fears with dentistry, if you have any. It is advisable to not relate dentistry to pain as with modern techniques, the treatments are almost painless. Come may what, but don’t portrait dental visits as a way to punish your child for their bad behavior.
You can reward your child for good behavior during the dental treatment. You should not bribe them, as children generally believe that bribes are related to their negative experiences. A well-trained pediatric dentist is usually an expert to tackle your child’s behavior during the dental procedure, and to reinforce positive attitude towards dentistry. Moreover your encouraging approach can strengthen a positive dental experience for the child, leading to a lifetime of healthy teeth.
During the first visit the teeth and gums will be examined for dental problems like decay, improper alignments, bad breath, etc. Simple procedures like teeth cleaning and fluoride application could be done in the first visit. Depending on the severity of dental problems, a treatment plan is decided. Home care skills should be discussed to help the teeth stay strong and healthy.
Noteworthy: The primary teeth or “milk teeth” are very important for the future development of the permanent teeth. They maintain the space that is needed so that the permanent teeth can erupt in a normal alignment. Other than this vital role of the primary teeth, it has other important functions like mastication (or chewing), speech & aesthetics. The first visit should be after the first milk tooth erupts (that is by 6 months of age) and no later than 1 year of age.
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About the author:
Dr. Payal Chaudhuri B.D.S., M.D.S.
The author of this article is a Registered Dental Practitioner in India.
She is also associated with a Dental College in Gurgaon, India.
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