Thursday, May 16, 2013

Parts of Braces

AN APPLIANCE can be defined as anything a dentist attaches to your teeth to move them or to change the shape of your jaw will be called an appliance. We have a long list of them as you read through this article.

ARCH WIRE - A metal wire that is attached to the brackets that move your teeth

BAND - A metal ring that is placed on some teeth to hold wires or other parts of braces

BITEPLANE - A removable appliance made of acrylic designed to open a deep bite.
Bracket - A metal or ceramic fixture that is bonded onto a tooth It serves as a way of connecting the arch wire to the teeth.

BUCCAL TUBE - A small metal tube that is welded to the outside of a molar band The buccal tube is a slots to hold arch wires, lip bumpers, headgears and other things your dentist uses to move teeth.

CHAIN - A stretchable elastic chain used to hold arch wires into brackets and to move teeth.

HEADGEAR - A Headgear is a wire apparatus used to move the upper molars back in the arch to create room for crowded or protruded front teeth. The headgear has two metal arcs that have been soldered. The inner arc goes in the mouth and is connected to the buccal tubes. The outer arc goes around the face, and connects to a pad with springs and a plastic safety strap that goes around the neck, or to a higher pull headgear that goes on top of the head. The inner bow is inserted into the buccal tubes, and the plastic strap is attached to both sides of the outer bow of the headgear.

HOOK - The place on the bracket or band where the elastics are attached

LIGATURE - A small elastic, shaped like a donut, which is used to hold the arch wires in the brackets.

LIP BUMPER - A lip bumper is used to move the lower molars back to create space for other teeth. The lip bumper consists of a metal arc that has plastic mold attached to the front. The wire is placed into the buccal tubes on the lower molars, while the plastic mold lies behind the lips. Pressure from the lip pushes the wire to move the molars back.

MOUTH GUARD - A soft rubber form that that covers the teeth to prevent injury while playing sports. All children playing sports should wear Mouth guards.

NECK PAD - A neck pad is a cloth-covered cushion that is worn around the neck with a headgear.

NICKEL TITANIUM OR (NITI) - An especially flexible orthodontic wire which allows for tooth movement over a longer period.

PALATAL EXPANDER - A fixed or removable appliance that is used to make the upper jaw wider

RETAINER - A plastic appliance that can be used to move teeth, or to wear after orthodontic treatment. The retainer attaches to the upper or lower teeth and helps them settle into a stable position. Retainers are worn full time at first and then at night only.

SEPARATOR - A rubber or metal part that creates space between teeth that will receive orthodontic bands.

WAX - Wax is used to prevent braces from irritating lips or cheeks when braces are first put on. 

About the author:
Dr. Payal Chaudhuri B.D.S., M.D.S.
The author of this article is a Registered Dental Practitioner in India.
She is also associated with a Dental College in Gurgaon, India.